
Quick Investment, Empowering Success

Our Core Investment Principles

We typically provide capital for operational activities – some examples include

Working capital requirements

Hiring Employees

Marketing or Advertising Spend

New Product Launches

Our Investment Process


Day 0-1

Company Introduction

(1). Initial contact established based on RevX core principles.
(2). Record created in internal database.
(3). Process taken forward only when there is a match with RevX core principles.
(4). Expectations set on terms.
(5). Preliminary info requested on email.
(6). Progression to next step once sufficient info received (Day 1).

Day 2-7

First due Diligence

(1). Analysis of business model, operational, compliance and financials information for at least last 2 years.
(2). Call with entrepreneur / CFO to clarify queries.
(3). Preparation of / submission of internal pre Investment Committee note and RevX Risk Rating score.

Day 8-9

Decision / non binding Term Sheet

(1). Discussion with Director/Partner scheduled immediately after submission of note.
(2). Director/Partner approval.
(3). Term sheet issued to the client.

Day 10-11

Term Sheet discussion

(1). Discussions on Term Sheet. Queries on Term Sheet clarified, if any.
(2). Discussions on pricing + structure.
(3). Draft Term Sheet either signed or dropped/cold.

Day 11-12

Documentation commenced

(1). Deposit of processing fee.
(2). Documentation process commenced with the help of Legal team.
(3). Due Diligence-2 process commenced.

Day 12-19

Advanced due diligence and Legal checks

(1). Bank statements of last 24 months, and Credit Bureau reports requested & examined.
(2). Additional Information requested, if needed.
(3). Meeting with RevX team and entrepreneurs / CFO (mandatory).
(4). Bank Statement analysis, GST analysis and MCA analysis.
(5). Investment Committee note submitted.

Day 20

Investment Committee

(1). Notice to Investment Committee; Standard slots blocked every week.
(2). Unanimous decision.
(3). Quorum: 3 Investment Committee members.

Day 21-28

Document signing and disbursal

(1). Debenture Trust Deed.
(2). Deed of Hypothecation.
(3). Debenture Trustee Appointment.
(4). Filing of charges.
(5). Other relevant documentation.


Day 0-1

Company Introduction

(1). Initial contact established based on RevX core principles.
(2). Record created in internal database.
(3). Process taken forward only when there is a match with RevX core principles.
(4). Expectations set on terms.
(5). Preliminary info requested on email.
(6). Progression to next step once sufficient info received (Day 1).

Day 2-7

First due Diligence

(1). Analysis of business model, operational, compliance and financials information for at least last 2 years.
(2). Call with entrepreneur / CFO to clarify queries.
(3). Preparation of / submission of internal pre Investment Committee note and RevX Risk Rating score.

Day 8-9

Decision / non binding Term Sheet

(1). Discussion with Director/Partner scheduled immediately after submission of note.
(2). Director/Partner approval.
(3). Term sheet issued to the client.

Day 10-11

Term Sheet discussion

(1). Discussions on Term Sheet. Queries on Term Sheet clarified, if any.
(2). Discussions on pricing + structure.
(3). Draft Term Sheet either signed or dropped/cold.

Day 11-12

Documentation commenced

(1). Deposit of processing fee.
(2). Documentation process commenced with the help of Legal team.
(3). Due Diligence-2 process commenced.

Day 12-19

Advanced due diligence and Legal checks

(1). Bank statements of last 24 months, and Credit Bureau reports requested & examined.
(2). Additional Information requested, if needed.
(3). Meeting with RevX team and entrepreneurs / CFO (mandatory).
(4). Bank Statement analysis, GST analysis and MCA analysis.
(5). Investment Committee note submitted.

Day 20

Investment Committee

(1). Notice to Investment Committee; Standard slots blocked every week.
(2). Unanimous decision.
(3). Quorum: 3 Investment Committee members.

Day 21-28

Document signing and disbursal

(1). Debenture Trust Deed.
(2). Deed of Hypothecation.
(3). Debenture Trustee Appointment.
(4). Filing of charges.
(5). Other relevant documentation.

Promising Ventures We May Support

SME Scenario

  • Linear growth company.
  • Annual turnover <INR 75 Cr.
  • Unable to raise large amount from traditional debt sources due to company size.
  • Objective can range from growth to working capital loans to improvements for PAT enhancements.

B2B Scenario

  • Asset light company with minimal fixed assets.
  • PAT negative.
  • Unit economics positive.
  • High caliber entrepreneurial team.
  • Funds needed to boost revenue generating capabilities.

D2C Scenario

  • No fixed assets – digital only company.
  • High growth demonstrated.
  • VC funded or Bootstrapped.
  • Need short-term cash to extend runway for better valuation in next equity round.
Have any query we are here for you


Are you a Venture Capital or Private Equity fund?

  • No - We provide debt, not equity, at a cost much lower than that of equity. Equity capital expects 8-10x returns over 5-6 years.
  • We do not encourage or force unsustainable growth metrics.
  • We do not require a board seat.
  • Our decisions are faster – our process typically takes 1-4 weeks.
  • No requirement for a difficult and lengthy valuation process.

How do you differ from other debt financing and venture debt funds?

  • No equity warrants taken.
  • No requirement of prior VC investment.
  • Hard assets or other personal guarantees not always necessary as a collateral.


I have very limited fixed assets - will I be eligible?

  • Our evaluation is a function of multiple factors such as profitability, growth, management team, cash projections etc.
  • Absence of fixed assets does not preclude us from investing in you.

  • Do you replace other types of growth capital? i.e. capital from angels, VCs, PEs etc?

    • Our growth capital serves as a supplement to other types of funding rather than a replacement.
    • Our firm expects that earlystage businesses can utilize our investment to prepare themselves for a suitable and advantageous equity investment in the future, without being excessively diluted.
    • We are open to working with co-investors of any kind and can even introduce you to potential partners depending on your funding requirements.

    Is it possible to prepay the total amount?

    • Prepayment is a rare occurrence for us.
    • But we may consider it on a case-by-case basis in exceptional circumstances as outlined in our agreement.

    Do you provide follow-on funding?

    • We want you to think of us as your partners throughout your growth journey.
    • we will always be open to discussing a new round of funding.